Latest statistics and employment facts for Pembrokeshire and Wales


The latest facts and statistics on employment are available, showing the current employment situation in Wales and in particular in Pembrokeshire.

The total number of job postings from Indeed and the Ministry of Work and Pensions’ Find a Job website increased this month, remaining the highest total in two years.

Earlier this year, there were many vacancies in hospitality and tourism, as the industry braced for the anticipated busy summer.

However, it is evident that many companies in this sector have struggled to recruit enough staff suited to their needs. The range of vacancies still covers almost all relevant sectors in the county.

Pembrokeshire is contributing well to Wales’ economic recovery with an increase in vacancies and also additional start-up opportunities specifically for universal credit applicants aged 16-24.

The Kickstart program, introduced and funded by central government, provides young people with a six-month employment opportunity with training in employability skills.

The new KFC on the site of the old school in Pembroke Dock begins its journey for up to 100 employees.

The government department recently assisted at the Kiln Park Bourne Leisure Tenby Open House to help recruit additional staff for the remainder of this season.

In addition, Bluestone Resorts is recruiting staff as restrictions ease and recruiting kickstart opportunities for younger people. Oakwood Leisure also advertises staff.

Currently the national employment statistics for Wales are as follows:

  • The number of people employed is 1.46 million
  • The employment rate (16-64 years) is 73.6 percent
  • The number of unemployed is 59,000 – down 16,000 over the quarter
  • The unemployment rate is 3.9 percent, lower than the UK average (4.8 percent).
  • The number of people in jobless households fell by 137,000 from October to December 2010.

Pembrokeshire saw a 24.6% drop in the claimant county, described as a “positive but not unexpected decrease”.

This is mainly due to the increasingly buoyant labor market which has been impacted by the opening of post-Covid restrictions.

The county’s notable economic boom is a reflection of the demand for vacation bookings which in turn has increased the demand for personnel in the hospitality industry.

The success of the Kickstart program has also had a positive impact on the number of applicants across Pembrokeshire.


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