Statistics, K / D Ratio, Monthly Earnings and more in October 2021


Mehul Saroj, better known as Fam Clashers to his audience, is a Free Fire content creator on YouTube with over 200,000 subscribers. The player also has more than 50,000 followers on Instagram.

He intends to bring positive change to the Free Fire community, and the player regularly uploads videos on various topics. In the past month, the player has gained 11,000 subscribers and 2.23 million views.

Fam Clashers Free Shot ID & Stats

Fam Clashers ID is 331739321. Lifetime and user classified stats are as follows:

Lifetime statistics

He has played over 7,932 team matches (Image via Free Fire)
He has played over 7,932 team matches (Image via Free Fire)

Fam Clashers reached 1,268 booyahs in 7,932 team matches, maintaining a win rate of 15.98%. The content creator bagged 17,284 eliminations and maintained a K / D ratio of 2.59.

He appeared in 1,487 duet matches and beat his opponents 161 times, resulting in a win ratio of 10.82%. Fam Clashers has 3,019 kills under his belt with a kill-to-death ratio of 2.28.

The YouTuber has been in 1,854 solo matches and has gone undefeated in 137 games, maintaining a 7.38% winning percentage. With 3,754 kills, he maintained a K / D ratio of 2.19.

Classified statistics

Fam Clasher has only played one Ranked Solo match this season (Image via Free Fire)
Fam Clasher has only played one Ranked Solo match this season (Image via Free Fire)

Fam Clashers has been in 34 team matches and won six, resulting in a win ratio of 17.64%. In those games, he landed 70 kills for a K / D ratio of 2.50.

He has won two of the three ranked duos this season, for an approximate winning percentage of 66.67%. The player has 11 kills, converting to a K / D ratio of 11.

As for ranked single player games, he has only played one of them and has yet to win or kill.

Note: Fam Clashers Free Fire stats may change as it plays more matches.


Fam Clashers gained 2.23 million views in the previous month (Image via Free Fire)
Fam Clashers gained 2.23 million views in the past month (Image via Free Fire)

According to the Social Blade website, Fam Clashers earns around $ 556 to $ 8.9,000 each month from their YouTube channel. Estimates of annual earnings are between $ 6.7,000 and $ 106.7,000.

Youtube channel

Fam Clashers has been making Free Fire related videos for quite some time now and has 186 uploads to the channel. This has earned him over 30 million views and 288,000 subscribers.

Profile picture


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